
Winter/Lovers event (Valentines) 2025-02-08 16:23:17

Dear players,

This year we're gonna try a different approach for the Valentines Day (14th February) by combining the Lovers Event with Winter Event in two parts as explained below.

  • All mobs will drop Snowflake as alternative drop, no matter what level or map, the only condition is to make sure the level between you and the mobs won't exceed +/- 15 levels.

First part of the event

Grotto update 2025-02-03 15:07:22

Another small patch to complete the previous one.

Hwang Temple - added few stones for the first time

  • x4 Metin of Shadow (Lv 45) - entrance
  • x4 Metin of Toughness (Lv 50) - left, upper side
  • x4 Metin of Devil (Lv 55) - right, upper side
  • x4 Metin of Fall (Lv 60) - middle where the frogs are
Grotto 1 & Grotto 2 - new stones with special drop
  • Grotto 1 - Lv 95 Red Crystal Stone -> 10 random stones / CH (1h respawn).
See more...

New patch available! 2025-02-03 10:35:19

Patch Notes: Offline Shop Update, Fixes, and New Changes News

  • The new Offline Shop introduces a more intuitive UI and numerous QoL improvements.
  • Older offline shops can no longer be created. Players must now use the newest version.
  • Items and Yang from old offline shops are stored in the offline shop safebox.
See more...

Did you know? 2023-09-16 19:29:26

Did you know this?

  • You can get Wind Shoes with Vote Coins, you can vote the server every day to get other items too, like a Pet for example.
  • Add&Changers drop at metin stones, we have two types, green and normal, drop the green at stones 5-40 & normal at 45+.
  • We have a lot of useful info on forum&wiki, help us to complete the wiki, you just need wiki & server knowledge.

Server Start 2023-01-13 19:12:23

Dear players,
If everything works as we planned the server will open on 27.01.2023 at 20:00 CET.
Visit our forum to get the last news, on Old Metin2 the only source of comunication accepted is our forum.
You can now register/vote/buy coins/test.
Before server start the stored data in beta will be lost, the accounts created will remain along with vote coins & dragon coins.
Regards, Administration.


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